According to THEM,it's a healthy fruit's some link,look at it for urself if u wan.
Yes,ur own business...dun believe it,it will never be UR business,u are just part of the cycle of 'money earning'.So how did the persuading start??they are my friend's customer,apparently my fren joined this too,may god bless him. we have tea time(free,i no need pay) together lo and they started telling me about this juice.
I got nothing against direct sales,i swear.because i know someone did earn their living based on this point of view is they are not selling products but RELATIONSHIP and PERSUADING skill.cause no matter how i look at it, this juice should not cost RM100+ each,i might pay for it if it got alcohol in it but pure fruit juice?? u got to be kidding me.
NEXT,i'm gonna tell u how the payments and profits as they say work.u get FREE membership,ya FREE.think twice,to start earning money u need to buy 2 box of them,each box contain 4 bottle of monavie,so that makes u pay RM800 first.(every 28days).in case u not aware of ur current situation,u are now paying RM800 as monthly salary to someone u dun know in exchange for 8 bottles of fruit juice(great deal right??)
SO how u make profits?? U make others pay RM800 for 8 bottles of fruit juice just like u for the same earn money by making others buy that fruit juice again and u get certain percentage of the sales including those sales that ur customer made.the percentage will normally be 10% or near....where did the rest of 90% go??
10%=ur pay
20-40%=the product cost
50% or more=pay for those at higher rank than u,they decide rank by how much u buy and sold the product and u can gain points by doing so.(it means that guy that sell u that juice and THAT other guy that sell it to him and so on)
ps.this is all based on my personal view but i bet it is not far from the truth
This marketing technique is quite a common one and a lot have ended up as a scam(multi level marketing),it used human weakness-GREED.i bet i looked like a fat juicy well cooked pig in front of them.
last thing the guy who tried to persuade me:GOOD JOB,i like the part where u remind me not to give up my study even if i earn a lot with direct sales.AND also the part where u convince me u are not selling any products(which no matter how i looked at it,u are selling me 8bottles of rm100+ fruit juice) DO u know what he said??? im just sharing a way for u to earn money,not selling u's been so long since i heard something so meaningful,cant believe there are people in this world who will share their money with me.THX.