dunno whose hand is tat!block my perfect scene nia...LOL!
This siput here is the only guy i can crap shit with him nonstop...ya i mean really stupid stuff,way more worse than those i done in my college 1.u guys should know 'perli' this word.we can perli each other for 3 hours man,at least i still cant find anyone in college can do that yet.
One of the story is like this,we go out and have dinner together with our friends,then the table at the back of this siput got a little girl birthday.(remind u chung ling guys LOVE to take birthday boy's pant off.)HIM,not knowing that it's a little girl's birthday,shout out "who?who birthday?take off his pant!!" right after one of our friend say "eh,got people birthday arr?"
i will leave the rest of the story for u to imagine then,nice memory though.